It’s almost the new year and that means that it’s time to take a look back on the years greatest hits. This year I managed to actually update this writing blog pretty regularly (!) but it means that you might have missed some things so let’s take a second to rewind.
I’m going to toot my own horn here and say I’m incredibly proud that I wrote over 90 blog posts this year, nearly all of them 1,200 words or more which is a lot of writing. Some of it wasn’t my best but all of it is published publicly so I’m going to give myself a big round of applause for doing scary things and just owning them. That said, I picked ten pieces that I am still proud of at the end of the year to highlight this banner year for my blog. Why ten piece and not eleven or six or four? I don’t know, ten seemed like a good number. Stop questioning me this is my blog not yours!
Quick note: These are listed in the order they were posted not ranked
So that’s the list. As for the future I want to post less stories about myself because they seem easy to write and therefore aren’t really challenging me in the way I want to be challenged. I do have 12 more storytime posts that are in various states of finished so there will (likely) be at least one of those a month but I’d like to branch out into other things. I have FOUR cafe reviews I haven’t written up, 12 more episodes of Max Headroom, and I think it’d be cool if I actually made the other two Eurovision posts I had wanted to make back in May. Plus I’ve got thoughts on perpetual motion, aging, some movies, some books, some theories…
Most of all I want to continue to be very brave and not terrified that I’m not doing things right. I want to write the things I want to write and not worry that it’s just not good enough to be read.
With all that said there’s only one more post coming before the end of the year so hope you had a merry holiday and here’s to a fruitful, writing-filled new year.