Welcome to 5 Quick Things that I saw during the last month and I thought were interesting enough to be worth sharing. None of them are particularly timely so feel free to just enjoy 🙂
>Number One<
Discover Music in Time and Space

If you want to discover some cool music from around the world, you can do much worse than radiooooo which is kind of exactly what it says on the tin. An online collection of a small amount of music from the last 100 years for many countries. While it’s not complete by any means, it is an interesting glimpse into a slice of time and space.
>Number Two<
The Beauty of Cities

I love cities and I love art and the Cityscapes of Jeremy Mann are basically a dream blending of those two things. These pictures remind me strongly of some of my favorite impressionist painters but with a beautiful eyes toward the darker, grittier feelings a city can evoke. I’d love to have one of these hanging in my house *wink wink*
>Number Three<
Ear Training and Sight Singing
Wow. This video about how to do ear training and sight singing is both really informative for someone like me who has had some music training but not quite to this level but also it’s just funny as hell. I love this channels in depth reviews of scoring in movies and TV but this video knocked it right out of the park for me and is well worth 15 minutes of your time.
>Number Four<
Character Moments in the MCU (Steve Rogers)

So nothing kills a joke faster than explaining that joke…BUT…this article explaining one of the best jokes in Infinity War and why it’s such a culmination of the character of Steve Rogers is well worth your time. I feel like the MCU’s character development is underappreciated. These movies have managed to build characters that have such impact and depth through even one or two lines at this point. All the characters have moved well beyond sounding like Joss Whedon (which is probably why Age of Ultron seemed like such a step back for most characters) and character beats like “I am Steve Rogers” make me really excited for the conclusion to Infinity War next year. Bring it on!
>Number Five<
All the Books to Shake a Stick At

I don’t have anything really cute to say about this one, it’s just come to my attention that many people aren’t aware that you can get free books online from Open Library. Open Library is a completely online non-profit that allows you to borrow e-books at no cost and is available for anyone. It’s exactly what it says on the tin.
Anyway that’s all I have for September, see you next month!