Monthly Archives: October 2018

I Want My Voice Back
When people talk about finding their “voice” in their writing I cringe because I used to have a voice. It’s gone now but I’m working on getting it back. Continue reading I Want My Voice Back

Storytime: Tenement
Please enjoy this post where I tell you a story about an event from my life. Nothing more, nothing less. Today’s story: You can never really return.

Doctor Who: 13th Doctor First Impressions
Just some quick and messy first impressions of the first two episodes of the new 13th Doctor.
Continue reading Doctor Who: 13th Doctor First Impressions
Storytime: Seams
Please enjoy this post where I tell you a story about an event from my life. Nothing more, nothing less. Today’s story: All the pieces of me cut into flesh and bone.
Continue reading Storytime: Seams
5 Quick Things: October
Welcome to 5 Quick Things that I saw during the last month and I thought were interesting enough to be worth sharing. None of them are particularly timely so feel free to just enjoy 🙂 Continue reading 5 Quick Things: October

Coffee, Cake, and Kid – Margot Crepes & Waffles
Welcome back to my project of slowly reviewing all the coffee and cakes in Tallinn with my friend Kid, this week: waffles by the ferry.

Storytime: Howl
Please enjoy this post where I tell you a story about an event from my life. Nothing more, nothing less. Today’s story: Three summers at camp.

Coffee, Cake, and Kid – Tassikoogid
Welcome back to my project of slowly reviewing all the coffee and cakes in Tallinn with my friend Kid, this week: cupcakes! in Tallinn!

Storytime: Marriage
Please enjoy this post where I tell you a story about an event from my life. Nothing more, nothing less. Today’s story: How I got married. Continue reading Storytime: Marriage