Please enjoy this post where I tell you a story about an event from my life. Nothing more, nothing less. Today’s story: About how fate and coincidence are the main drivers of almost all my friendships. Continue reading Storytime: Rebecca

Please enjoy this post where I tell you a story about an event from my life. Nothing more, nothing less. Today’s story: About how fate and coincidence are the main drivers of almost all my friendships. Continue reading Storytime: Rebecca
There’s not a lot of pictures of me that I didn’t take myself. Continue reading Looking At Pictures (Of You and) Me
Please enjoy this post where I tell you a story about an event from my life. Nothing more, nothing less. Today’s story : working in the garden center at KMart. Continue reading Storytime: The Garden Center
Welcome back to my project of slowly reviewing all the coffee and cakes in Tallinn with my friend Kid, this week: a little oasis in Balti Jaam. Continue reading Coffee, Cake, and Kid – Ristikheina Kohvik
Please enjoy this post where I tell you a story about an event from my life. Nothing more, nothing less. Today’s story: my delinquent youth and a lesson in love. Continue reading Storytime: Riding in Cars with Boys
Welcome back to my project of slowly reviewing all the coffee and cakes in Tallinn with my friend Kid, this week I explore the humble beginnings of this project and evaluate my own cake (!!). Continue reading Coffee, Cake, and Kid – Meta Edition
9:30 am – Driving back to the house after dropping Andrew off at work
I’m nervous. It’s the 4th and I haven’t paid my rent yet. It’s not technically late, not technically until tomorrow. Continue reading Storytime: Chance Encounters, September 4th, 2013
I’m moving this to a monthly feature of five quick things I thought were cool. This way I don’t feel pressured to link you less cooler things in an attempt to churn these out faster. Most of these aren’t particularly timely so just enjoy Continue reading 5 Quick Things #3
Please enjoy this post where I tell you a story about an event from my life. Nothing more, nothing less. Today’s story is the final in a series about some of the women my dad dated (not the final person he dated just the last one I’m going to write about): Janice. Continue reading Storytime: Janice