This is just an entry of various picture from walking about in Kadriorg Park during a chilly but lovely fall day in October.

This is just an entry of various picture from walking about in Kadriorg Park during a chilly but lovely fall day in October.
While Estonia has plenty of what you would consider “regular graveyards”, they also believe in making cemeteries public spaces. Many of their cemeteries actually double as parks. What makes the Metsakalmitsu such a draw is that unlike Kalamaja kalmistu which was completely flattened, or Raadi kalmistu, which is no longer active, Metsakalmitsu is in use to this day. Continue reading Metsakalmistu (Forest Cemetery)
Museums in Estonia are fairly reasonably priced, for just 4€ an adult you can get a ticket for the Estonian Museum of Architecture and spend a few hours learning about the fascinating history of the country by proxy of its buildings. Continue reading Eesti Arhitektuurimuuseum (Estonian Museum of Architecture)
This past weekend we went to the only cat cafe in Estonia, Nurri Kassikohvik, which just so happens to be just a 15 minute walk from our house. Below is a lot of pictures of cats and a short review of the cafe. If you’re not a cat person, I would bail now. Continue reading Nurri Kassikohvik (Nurri Cat Cafe)
Back in September I went to the light walk here in Tallinn at Kadriorg Park. Took me a bit but here’s some pictures and thoughts from the experience. Continue reading Kadriorg Light Walk
We’ve now been in Estonia for 2 months and I am at the point where I have a bunch of random thoughts that don’t really belong anywhere so I’ve just made a list of them. This will probably be very amusing to me once I’ve been here, say two years but now I’m settling in to that period between “everything is new and shiny” and “oh, this? psh, whatever”. I try my best not to generalize and these are only based on my experience and my point of view. These are a Tallinn-focused experience and may not apply to the rest of the country as well. It’s important to take that in to account and remember that there isn’t one specific experience in a country!
Though it’s 100% true that Estonians love vodka and rye bread 😉 Continue reading Väike Mõtted (Small Thoughts)
I’m sort of stuck in a limbo right now while I wait for my residency stuff to come in. This is the first time in half my life I’ve not had to work or go to school or both. I am also not struggling for money or actively looking for work or a job (I can’t legally have either until I get my papers anyway so there’s no use in looking). I have been living my life as a stay at home wife technically. A little strange and I’m sure I’ll grow bored of it soon but for now it’s just been really relaxing and helping me catch up on my life. Below is a listing of a typical Wednesday from last week. Continue reading What Do You Do All Day?